August 2018 WELS Connection

The August edition of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Connection highlighting news from our national church body - This month we learn about a seminary student's vicar year. A year as a vicar is part of the practical application required for preparing future pastors for the ministry. Over recent years, there has been an increased effort to place more vicars in mission setting to ensure that making disciples of all nations remains at the center of everything we do.

November 2017 WELS Connection

The November edition of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Connection highlighting news from our national church body - This month, we hear about a demographic report that shows the findings and latest membership trends happening in congregations throughout our synod and how the WELS Commission on Congregational Counseling puts forth efforts to respond to these challenges and opportunities

October 2017 WELS Connection

The October edition of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Connection highlighting news from our national church body - This month, we learn about how representatives of confessional Lutheran church bodies from around the world gathered in Germany for a conference, and WELS delegates convened for the 64th Biennial WELS Synod convention in Watertown, Wis., to remember the Reformation and consider the future.

July 2017 WELS Connection

The July edition of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) Connection highlighting news from our national church body - This month, we hear about how Spring and Fall mission festivals with tailored worship and Bible studies are on-going and provide an opportunity for missionaries returning from the field, to share their experiences of proclaiming the gospel abroad with WELS congregations here.