It's Time to Give Up: A False Sense of Security

During Lent God calls us to give up our sin. His pointed attacks against the sins that beset his people help us put off the attitudes and actions of our sinful nature. His perfect righteousness as our substitute assures us that we are right with God and empowers us in godly living. This week Jesus confronts a misplaced sense of security. No sooner are we assured of God's love than we are tempted to think that we have done something to earn or deserve it. We must always remember the importance of repentance. If we think we are standing firm because of our character or merit, we are in danger of falling. Thankfully, God graciously gives us time to turn to him and trust in his mercy.

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News & Announcements

The Hard Parts of Christianity

For the two Lent Midweek Services this year, we will be looking at the portion of Luther's Catechism that talks about forgiveness and confession. While on the surface, these things seem easy and obvious, they are also two aspects of the Christian Life that tend to be difficult at times. This evening, we will consider forgiveness - we will marvel at God's gracious forgiveness in all our sins and address why it is hard at times for us to forgive. Having examined forgiveness, in two weeks, our attention will turn to confession and why it is hard to admit we are wrong.

Service Bulletin

It's Time to Give Up: The Expectation of Ease

During Lent, God calls us to give up our sin.  His pointed attacks against the sins that beset his people help us put off the attitudes and actions of our sinful nature.  His perfect righteousness as our substitute assures us that we are right with God and empowers us in godly living.  This week Jesus confronts our misplaced expectations that a life following him should be characterized by happiness and ease.  He calls us to be willing, as he was, to give up anything and everything for the sake of God and his Kingdom.  He lovingly warns us that, if we spend our lives serving our stomach, our house will eventually lie desolate.

Service Folder

News & Announcements

It's Time to Give Up: The Root of All Evil (1st Sunday in Lent)

Each of us battles with temptation every day, and the results are too obvious to mention. Christ was no stranger to temptation, either. He battled, yet was without sin…for us and for our eternal righteousness. This message of victory gives us confidence as we journey through the wilderness of sin in true repentance.

SERVICE NOTES: The Season of Lent
The word Lent comes from an Old English word for spring (“lengthen,” the time of the year when the days grow longer). For the last 1700 years, the Church has set aside the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter as a time of special preparation. It is a time of repentance and renewal.
During Lent, our rejoicing is muted as we remember our Lord’s suffering and death. But it is with a purpose: we know that the Lord who died took up his life again on Easter Sunday morning. So our 40 days of Lent are ones lived in the certain hope of the resurrection.
The color of the season is purple. Purple is the ancient color of royalty. We have this kind of king: he wore a crown of thorns, and carried a cross for us. Thanks be to God!
For the precise counters in the congregation, the Church speaks of 40 days of Lent because they did not count the Sundays, which retained their significance as “little Easters.”

Service Program


It's Time to Give Up: The Time is Now (Ash Wednesday)

You often hear about people “giving something up” for Lent. Usually it’s some minor, insignificant vice like sweets. However, during Lent God calls us to give up something much more serious: our sin. We do that through repentance, which consists both of acknowledging our sin and confidently turning to Christ as our Savior for forgiveness. Repentance is something that is vital for Christians on a daily basis. It cannot wait until tomorrow. The time for repentance is now.

Service Folder

The Transfiguration of Our Lord

As the Epiphany season comes to its conclusion today, our Lord reveals his majesty in a grand display to Peter, James, and John on the mountain of Transfiguration. We have one last chance to see Jesus reveal his glory before we begin to follow his humble journey to the cross during the season of Lent.

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Together Newsletter (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod news)

Jesus Proclaims the Truth (Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany)

Our human inclination is to listen without faith. This can only lead us to the brow of a cliff and throwing Jesus out of our lives. But the Savior of the Nations comes with his gracious words of redemption and membership in his body. The Word of the Lord is proclaimed through the revelation of his Anointed One. In him faith is rooted, love flourishes, and salvation is known from generation to generation.

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Together Newsletter (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod News)

Jesus is the Promised Deliverer (Third Sunday after the Epiphany)

Jesus reveals himself as the Anointed one with the Father’s authority to proclaim himself as fulfillment of prophecy. The Word made flesh points to the Word and boldly proclaims, “Fulfillment.” This bold proclamation carries joy to the very heart of the body of Christ and emboldens its members to proclaim the same.

Service Program


We apologize, but due to technical difficulties, there is no audio version of the sermon this week. 

One in Christ - Forward in Ministry (The Baptism of our Lord)

In Christ alone, we are one with God. In Christ alone, we have been united by faith and are one with each other. As a family of believers here at Our Savior, we are also one in purpose. For the next several weeks, we will hear of Jesus’ ministry and how he continues to reveal himself through the Word as the Son of God and the promised Savior. As we hear of Jesus’ ministry of making us one with God, we will also be reminded of the blessings we have here at Our Savior and how we are one in Christ as we move forward with our ministry of sharing the Gospel. Today, we hear of Jesus’ baptism, we will not only remember the many blessings God gave us through our own baptism, but we will be encouraged to share that Good News of salvation with others!

Service Program


Feeling Pessimistic About 2016? Look to the Lord!

Our Christmas celebration continues throughout the Twelve Days of the Christmas Season. Jesus Christ is the Savior whom God promised and whom the Old Testament prophets foretold. Today we rejoice that God has kept his promise and sent his Son to be our Savior and Redeemer, becoming true man and living under the Law to fulfill our obligations.  Our sermon examines how the coming of Jesus to live on earth and redeem us from our sins gives us a reason to be optimistic about the new year!

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